Free Gold Price Calculator & Current Gold Prices

How Much is 14k Gold Worth?

You can find our how much 14k gold is worth by using our free gold value calculator.

To calculate the marketplace value of your 14k gold right now, click here.

You can also calculate the value of your gold by hand, using a formula.

Most of us like to do things the simple way, but it’s good to know how the formula works, especially when it comes to different grades of gold. To learn how to use the formula and see examples of how to calculate gold price, click here.

Here’s an important note, especially if you’re selling your 14k gold: there are two questions you want to answer, before you make a sale.

1. How much is 14k gold worth?

2. What’s the marketplace value of my gold?

Finding out the value of your gold is only part of what you need to know. You also need to find out how much money you can expect to make from the actual sale–after the gold buyer makes a profit.

When you calculate gold price using our gold price calculator, the estimated profit the gold buyer will make is automatically included in the calculation. So, your final number will be lower than what you might expect, if you were only looking at current gold prices. Even though this number is an estimate, it should give you a general idea of how much cash you can actually expect to put in your pocket.

When it comes to selling gold jewelery and other gold pieces, here are a couple of definitions to keep in mind: the market value of gold and the marketplace value of your gold. Here’s how we define these terms:

Gold market value: what your gold is worth, based on gold price charts.

Marketplace value of gold: the amount of money you can expect to receive from a sale, after the buyer makes a profit.

Calculating the estimated marketplace value of your gold is a good way to start. But there are other things to consider too, before you can be sure you’ve answered the question, “How much is 14k gold worth?” Be sure you do your homework, before you make the sale.

For quick tips and to learn more about how to make sure you’re getting the best marketplace price for your gold, click here.


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